Menuboard Project

LIVE Website







1 Year



Overview of Menu Board

A scalable and configurable multi vendor as well as multi screen android TV app where vendors can showcase their product inventory and stocks by integrating third party POS providers' API. Another interesting part of this system is to making revenue by showing advertises. The system has two extension: TV app, admin panel and. In admin panel admin’s can create, edit, or delete stores and manage in-store screens and ads. They can also view their current screens and access analytics for deeper insights. Admins can manage ads in the archive, add or remove ads from any store's list, and modify ad settings like duration and intervals.

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The Challenge

The cannabis retail industry faces unique challenges in marketing and product display due to rapidly changing inventories, diverse product ranges, and varying regulatory landscapes. Traditional methods of showcasing products are often static, failing to provide up-to-date information and limiting customer engagement. Retailers needed a dynamic, real-time solution to display their product offerings effectively while navigating these constraints. Furthermore, the absence of an integrated platform for managing multiple vendors and advertisements meant lost revenue opportunities and inefficiencies in content management across multiple locations.

Rapidly changing inventories

  • Cannabis retailers must constantly update their inventory to reflect changes in stock availability, strain potency, and product variations.
  • Customers expect accurate and real-time information about product availability and pricing.

Varying regulatory landscapes

  • Cannabis retail operations must adhere to a complex web of regulations at local, state, and federal levels.
  • Violating regulatory requirements can result in fines, legal penalties, or even the loss of a business license.

The Solution

We developed an Android TV application to address cannabis retail challenges by fetching real-time data from POS APIs, ensuring dynamic product showcasing. The app supports multi-vendor and multi-screen setups for tailored experiences across locations. An admin panel provides comprehensive control over content, including store profiles, screen layouts, and ad management. Ad settings can be customized, and performance can be analyzed through built-in analytics for informed decision-making.

Real-time Product Showcase

  • The application fetches real-time data from POS providers' APIs, ensuring that customers have access to the latest information on product inventory and stock levels.
  • Retailers can showcase their product offerings dynamically, eliminating the need for static displays or printed menus that can quickly become outdated.

Comprehensive Admin Control

  • The admin panel allows store owners to effortlessly create, edit, or delete store profiles, manage screen layouts, and curate advertisements directly from one centralized location.
  • Built-in analytics enable admins to analyze ad performance, providing insights for informed decision-making and optimizing marketing strategies.

The Outcome

Our dynamic digital display solution revolutionized cannabis retail engagement by providing real-time product information and enhancing customer satisfaction. Retailers benefitted from flexible content management, compliance adherence, and new revenue streams through targeted ads, supported by analytics for data-driven strategies. Overall, the solution addressed immediate challenges while offering scalability for future growth in the evolving market.

Dynamic Content Management

  • Real-time product information enhances customer satisfaction and boosts in-store engagement.
  • Flexibility in content management through the admin panel enables rapid adaptation to inventory changes and regulatory updates, ensuring compliance and marketing relevancy.

Insightful Analytics

  • Targeted advertisements create new revenue streams by effectively monetizing screen space.
  • Analytics provide valuable insights into customer preferences and ad performance, facilitating data-driven strategies for maximizing return on investment.

What Our Clients say

Crantech impresses with scalable, expertly crafted services that ensure future adaptability. Their attention to detail enhances user experience, driving increased sales. With exceptional business insights and efficient communication, Crantech excels in technology solutions, proving reliable for businesses seeking excellence.

Rahat Noman

CEO, Precise Mentorship Ltd.

Crantech's unwavering commitment, flexibility, and expert guidance have significantly elevated our digital presence. They delivered an impressive, user-friendly website with dynamic features, an intuitive admin panel, and seamless third-party integrations. I highly recommend Crantech for top-notch web development services.

MD Ehesas Mia

CTO, Somadha Private Ltd.

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