Somadha Project

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1 Year



Overview of Somadha

An online fully customizable marketplace designed to connect Bangladeshi freelancers with local clients. This system enables clients to easily and quickly find local resources to complete their tasks. To enhance user experience, the system features real-time messaging and notification services. Clients have the ability to post jobs, allowing providers to submit bids. Subsequently, the client can select the most suitable bid and finalize the deal by making an advance partial payment through the integrated online payment gateway. Once the provider completes the task, they can submit it in the job submission section of the deal. Administrators possess complete authority to customize the system's appearance, user profiles, and other settings.

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Revenue Increase


Client Satisfaction

Technology Used

The Challenge

The primary challenge was developing a platform to connect Bangladeshi freelancers with local clients, addressing the gap in traditional marketplaces. It required supporting real-time communication, secure payments, and intuitive job posting and bidding. Customization for administrators was crucial, ensuring flexibility and alignment with local market nuances. The solution aimed to streamline the freelance process, enhancing accessibility and efficiency for both freelancers and clients in Bangladesh.

Bridging the Local Market Gap

  • Traditional freelance platforms cater to a global audience, making it challenging for local clients in Bangladesh to find freelancers who understand the nuances of the local market.
  • Ensuring that new products are presented with the same level of detail and appeal

Platform Functionality and Usability

  • Facilitating seamless and instant communication between freelancers and clients was crucial for effective collaboration and project management.
  • Providing secure and flexible payment methods was essential to build trust and encourage transactions within the marketplace.

The Solution

We developed a comprehensive online marketplace using robust technologies like Node.js, MongoDB, and AWS, ensuring scalability and efficiency. Key features include real-time messaging, job posting and bidding, secure payment integration, and a streamlined job submission process. The platform offers extensive administrative customization tools to adapt to market needs and ensure seamless operations. Overall, our solution addresses challenges in local market accessibility and platform functionality, fostering efficient collaboration between Bangladeshi freelancers and clients.

Robust Technology

  • Enabled real-time interactions, enhancing communication between clients and freelancers.
  • Provided scalable cloud hosting, ensuring the platform could handle high volumes of transactions and traffic.

Comprehensive Marketplace Features

  • Job Posting and Bidding Functionality
  • Advanced Payment Gateway Integration

The Outcome

The customizable marketplace transformed connections between local clients and Bangladeshi freelancers, bridging a crucial gap in the market. Real-time communication streamlined collaboration, enhancing user experience and negotiation efficiency. Integrated secure payment systems built trust, while scalable architecture and administrative customization facilitated continuous improvement. Overall, the platform empowered Bangladeshi freelancers, simplified hiring for local clients, and fostered growth in the freelance economy of Bangladesh.

Efficient Collaboration

  • The platform facilitated connections between local clients and Bangladeshi freelancers, allowing clients to find relevant expertise and understanding of the local market.
  • Features such as real-time messaging significantly improved collaboration efficiency, making negotiation and project management smoother for both parties.

Scalable Growth

  • Integrated payment systems ensured secure financial transactions, fostering trust between clients and freelancers and encouraging more business transactions.
  • The platform's scalable architecture allowed for continuous improvement and adaptation to user feedback and market trends, contributing to the growth of the freelance economy in Bangladesh.

What Our Clients say

Crantech impresses with scalable, expertly crafted services that ensure future adaptability. Their attention to detail enhances user experience, driving increased sales. With exceptional business insights and efficient communication, Crantech excels in technology solutions, proving reliable for businesses seeking excellence.

Rahat Noman

CEO, Precise Mentorship Ltd.

Crantech's unwavering commitment, flexibility, and expert guidance have significantly elevated our digital presence. They delivered an impressive, user-friendly website with dynamic features, an intuitive admin panel, and seamless third-party integrations. I highly recommend Crantech for top-notch web development services.

MD Ehesas Mia

CTO, Somadha Private Ltd.

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